Monday, 17 March 2025

Sutton Bingham - Sun 16 Mar

I managed about an hour on patch this afternoon, my first prolonged visit to the reservoir in some time, as it was the date of the monthly WeBS count. I didn't see an awful lot in the way of wildfowl or waders, though there were still forty Wigeon present and I saw a lone Snipe.
However, there was a little bit of interest as a Linnet was in full song near the entrance to the Fishing Lodge and I also had a surprise find when a Kestrel flew in, landed on a telegraph cable and was subsequently flushed by a passing farm vehicle and was lost to sight. Kestrel is a scare bird at Sutton Bingham, so it's always a good species to record.
At the southern end I spent some time scanning for raptors and was finally rewarded with a Red Kite flying over. So three year ticks for the patch today, not bad for a cold day in mid-March.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2025 now at 74 species.

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