Wednesday 31 July 2024

Sutton Bingham - Sun 28 Jul

A Redshank was present with just a single Common Sandpiper on the dam wall early morning, but that was it for today.

Sutton Bingham - Sat 27 Jul

A morning visit produced thirteen Common Sandpipers in the north-east corner but little else to report again. A return to the patch at lunchtime did turn up a Hobby over the northern end of the reservoir.
To add to my recent run of seeing nothing much at the reservoir, I missed three Shoveler that were present last night, the only record so far this year at Sutton Bingham.

Monday 22 July 2024

Sutton Bingham - Mon 22 Jul

A late afternoon visit yesterday but there was little of note with singles of Swift and Sand Martin passing through and a nice total of eleven Common Sandpipers on the dam wall.
A stop this morning and all the Common Sandpipers had cleared out overnight but a Redshank was present along with a Coot.

Sutton Bingham - Sat 20 Jul

A brief look mid-morning was not overly productive but a 4cy Yellow-legged Gull was on the northern causeway, and a truly magnificent bird it was too.
A single Common Sandpiper was also present.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Sutton Bingham - Wed 17 Jul

Another day and another wader, this time a very smart summer-plumaged Black-tailed Godwit that was on the northern causeway.
Not a new bird for the year, but nice to see nonetheless. As of late there was nothing else of note this morning and the very high water levels don't bode well for anything much over the coming months in relation to decent wader passage.
A return visit early in the evening was rather more productive than recent visits. The Black-tailed Godwit was still present and a Coot was present albeit a rather elusive individual. My first juvenile Yellow-legged Gull amongst the gull flock on the northern causeway and juvenile Mediterranean Gull fly over heading west. All in all a decent day on the patch today, and that made for a refreshing change.

Sutton Bingham - Tue 16 Jul

A quick pre-work visit this morning produced the first Green Sandpiper of the year along with a couple of Common Sandpipers.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 98 species.

Sutton Bingham - Mon 15 Jul

A week after the last one, there was another Oystercatcher on the northern causeway this morning, a slightly more sleepy individual than the one that was here last week.
There was nothing else of note this morning, though I had a count of thirteen Common Sandpipers over the weekend.

Sutton Bingham - Mon 8 Jul

A few recent visit have turned up very little other than returning Common Sandpipers in varying numbers and a Great White Egret on West Pool.
This morning however I had something a little more interesting with an Oystercatcher on the northern causeway.
I missed a couple of Oystercatchers that were present briefly a few weeks back, so I was pretty pleased to connect with this one.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 97 species.