A few brief visits on the way to and from work over the past week have failed to produce anything much of note, though a notable count of three Coot together on Friday was worth mentioning.Today we were eating Sunday lunch and I heard my phone notify me of a WhatsApp message, I didn't really think anything of it and it was nearly two hours later that I remembered and thought I'd better check...Sanderling on the northern causeway, but flighty and had gone missing at least an hour earlier...fortunately I didn't really notice the "gone missing" bit and I just jumped in the car. On the drive over the penny dropped that it had left the northern causeway and hadn't been relocated, so on a hunch I made straight for the Fishing Lodge and this turned out to be an inspired decision as I found the Sanderling feeding on the shoreline right in front of me.
An inland Sanderling is always a good record, and when it's on your patch that's even better, my third for Sutton Bingham and another quality find by Dave Chown.
After getting my fill I headed round to the northern causeway where a Common Tern was present.
The southern end was much quieter with nothing new to report.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 102 species.