Sunday 28 October 2012

Sutton Bingham - Sun 28 Oct

Despite the dismal weather it actually turned out to be a pretty good hour long visit to the reservoir this morning. I started out in the lay-by at the southern end of the reservoir, and I didn't even bother getting out of the car. Scanning the field next to the road I noted around thirty Redwings keeping company with a Mistle Thrush and at least half a dozen Blackbirds. Then a real surprise as a male Brambling flew on to the fence and then dropped on to the ground to feed alongside the thrushes and a couple of Chaffinches.
Back then to the northern causeway, and a quick scan of West Pool produced six Tufted Duck and a little more searching located two Little Grebes. A sub-adult Mute Swan flew over heading west while a couple of Common Gulls were on the main reservoir amongst the more usual gull species.
Also on the main reservoir I saw four Shoveler, three ducks and a drake, and a pair of Wigeon. The morning was rounded off with a Meadow Pipit and Grey Wagtail ending a very productive visit today.

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