Monday 17 January 2022

Greylake RSPB - Sun 16 Jan

A return to Greylake RSPB today and this time I went early, arriving at about 8.45am only to find that the Teal flock that always seem to roost on the stretch of land opposite the hide had not that night and were all out the back of the reserve! There were loads more duck present today though when compared to Thursday's visit, with good numbers of Pintail, Wigeon and Shoveler in with the Teal. Over the next couple of hours the gathered birders, myself included, scanned and scanned the birds out there. A male Merlin on one of the pylons provided a nice distraction at one point and a Great White Egret was also present. Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were both heard and then after an age the duck took flight and then once they had settled someone found the Baikal Teal. The then offered a look through their scope, but I just couldn't see it, so I left the hide and ran up to the viewing platform where another kind birder let me take a look through his scope, and success, I got it, and a good view too of the wonderful head pattern. Relief at having seen it at last, a total of over four hours spent looking for it but worth the wait. I returned to the hide and my own scope where eventually I got myself on it as it slept. It then awoke and swam around for a short while, giving wonderful if a bit distant views. I grabbed my phone and just as I started to take pictures it went back to sleep, so this is the best effort, a duck asleep! but you can see the vertical stripe on it's side!
After a few more minutes of watching the sleeping Baikal Teal I left and headed for home after a successful mission. What a great bird!

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