Thursday 27 June 2024

Sutton Bingham - Wed 26 Jun

I had a bit of time before work this morning and given it was late June I figured there must be the chance of a Redshank, so I made straight for the Fishing Lodge and checked out the north-east corner...nothing. I then 'scoped the northern causeway and amongst the gathered gulls and ducks could see two smaller birds, with red legs, nailed it! A quick drive round to the northern causeway and some great views of a couple of Redshank.
Late June has always tended to be a good time for Redshank at Sutton Bingham, and so it has been again this year.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 96 species.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Sutton Bingham - Sat 22 Jun

A Mute Swan in the north-east corner this morning is such a scarcity on the patch nowadays that it's worth a blog posting! Nothing else of note in a very quick pre-work visit.

Friday 21 June 2024

Sutton Bingham - Thu 20 Jun

I missed a pair of Egyptian Geese and two Oystercatchers yesterday morning that Rich the Wessex Water ranger messaged me about, they had gone by the time I reached the site at lunchtime, rather frustrating. A quick stop on my way home today produced a Great White Egret on West Pool but that was it. June has been typically quiet so far, and unfortunately I've missed the couple of decent birds that have dropped in.

Friday 7 June 2024

Sutton Bingham - Thu 6 Jun

No prolonged afternoon visit today as I had to work through my "afternoon off", but I did get up to the reservoir for a short visit over my lunch hour. A juvenile Coot was on the northern causeway, just my second for the year of this now scarce visitor to the patch.
Also on the northern causeway there was a juvenile Mandarin whilst over the reservoir two Red Kites drifted through.
A number of Canada Geese were new in on the lawn in front of the Fishing Lodge, and amongst them a goose which I had down as a hybrid Greylag Goose x Swan Goose (though some comments on the image I posted on Twitter suggest it could be a pure Swan Goose).
Either way, it's an interesting looking bird and certainly not one I've seen at the reservoir before.