Thursday, 13 April 2023

Sutton Bingham - Thu 6 Apr

Something amazing happened on patch today, I got a lifer! Sitting at work there was a message from Pete on the WhatsApp group that he had a distant first-winter Sandwich Tern, a great bird for Sutton Bingham. Over the next half an hour or so Pete realised it wasn't a Sandwich Tern and eventually identification was confirmed that it was in fact a Forster's Tern! Fortunately I was able to get over to the reservoir and managed to connect with a truly marvellous bird.
I didn't have long to linger on site, but having had my fill of my first ever Forster's Tern I was more than happy, a bird I'd long wanted to see and to get one on my patch was just unbelievable. What a bird, what a day!
Sutton Bingham year list for 2023 now at 83 species.

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