Monday 20 May 2024

Sutton Bingham - Sat 11 May

A thirty minute stop on the way home from work at lunchtime today turned out to be pretty decent, especially considering how little I've seen recently. A third calendar year Yellow-legged Gull was present briefly on the northern causeway, but was flushed before I could get a photo. A Great White Egret was on West Pool and a Red Kite flew over heading south.
A return visit late afternoon turned up a Dunlin feeding on the northern causeway, no idea where that was earlier in the day so I can only presume it arrived after I'd left at lunchtime.
The Dunlin was extremely obliging, feeding along the water's edge and completely unphased by me standing a few metres away.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 90 species.

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