Monday 20 May 2024

Sutton Bingham - Sun 19 May

A message from Pete this morning was fortunately picked up as I was driving home and resulted in me adding Reed Warbler to the year list with one singing from within the vegetation near the "jetty" at the car park end of the northern causeway. It failed to show itself, but having missed one earlier in the year it was good to add it to the list.
Also today, a real surprise and a patch mega in the form of a Barn Owl that was present in a private location, and was always rather distant, hence the shocking photos!
I didn't post news of this on the day due to the fact it's a Schedule 1 species, but subsequent searches over the last week have drawn a blank, so it must have been a wandering bird passing through. This is only my second ever patch record of Barn Owl.
Sutton Bingham year list for 2024 now at 93 species.

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