Sunday, 5 September 2010

Powerstock Common - Sat 4 Sep

What with it being a pleasant afternoon Ellie and I headed out, after some discussion on where to go, and eventually ended up at Powerstock Common near Maiden Newton. This was a site that we had not visited before and we had read about it on the Dorset Butterflies website. Whilst we new it was not the best time of year for butterflies, we thought we'd give it a go.
As we walked in to the nature reserve the first thing we saw was a Nuthatch. We then did a circular walk around the reserve which took us a couple of hours. Along the way we also saw three or four Spotted Flycatchers, and several Willow Warblers. A pair of Marsh Tits were seen feeding.
There were loads of Speckled Woods as we walked along:

A single Painted Lady was seen as we entered the reserve and we also saw a Meadow Brown and a Red Admiral:

A few whites were about, including a single Green-veined White.

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