Friday, 19 April 2013

Sutton Bingham - Wed 17 Apr & Thu 18 Apr

A couple of flying visits over the past few days. I had to go to Bournemouth on Wednesday afternoon so that put pay to any birding, though I did decide to fly in to the reservoir (not literally) on the way home. A surprise greeted me in the form of an Egyptian Goose on the northern causeway!
A Little Egret was near the Sailing Club, but that was about it apart from a load of hirundines feeding over the water.
A last minute decision to drop in on Thursday after work proved to be a good call with six Arctic Terns present hawking over the water between the car park and the Canoe Club. I thought that there would be a good chance of some being present as there had been a constant stream of sightings on the pager all day. The Egyptian Goose was still on the northern causeway and was the only other bird of interest.


  1. Friday 19 April update: a five minute stop before work produced just a single loitering Arctic Tern, a pair of Wigeon and a fly-over Stock Dove.

  2. Saturday 20 April update: an early morning visit produced two Tufted Duck pairs on West Pool and a Wigeon was near the hide. Highlight, cracking views of a Barn Owl again, this time it landed on a gate just 20 feet away...I was too slow to get a photo though!
